So we went to Plant City to "look" at this cosmetology school and I talk to the teacher and she was like "when you want to start?" I said "Idk as soon as possible I guess" and she said "wanna start today?" I was like "O.O srsly!?" then she was like
"got $402?" I was like actually I do" and she was like ok! go sign up and you can start today- but I'm starting 2morrow because Mema drove me and I didn't want her to wait till 10 to go home lol plus I don't like surprise things TOO much, but a little. so I was like OMG! i feel like I should hug you! and she was like Ok! and she gave me a big hug and it was all exciting. Of course I was nervous about what everyone else would think, but we've had a good feeling all along soo Yay I'm excited! i had too many emotions today though, Excited! Nervous! Super Excited!, Depressed, Sad, Sick, Mellow, Happy, Stressed, Enjoyed, and now Excited I think again :D I read both chapters so I'm all caught up and I did the review questions for both chapters woohoo! I learned some weird history facts too :D I'll write about them later. I'm sorry to my mom who I showed my sad and stressed side to, and too my grandma, I feel like I should have been more excited today instead of ruining this great opportunity with regret, sadness, and blah. I'M SORRY! I love you!!! I am happy! and I did indeed say "I wish I could start now!"
Pussy cat dolls quote- "be careful what you wish for because you just might get it"
lol I'm quoting the worst "group" ever made xD!
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